Browse Items (38 total)

Document dated December 2, 1982, written by John Burton regarding analytical assumptions about conflict resolution.

Document dated September 1982, written by John Burton regarding management of conflict.

Chapter eleven of a document dated November 1985, written by John Burton regarding International Conflict Resolution.

Document dated April 1985, written by John Burton regarding the relations between theories of conflict and approaches to conflict resolution.

Document dated June 1985, written by John Burton regarding the history and present state of conflict resolution. Includes contents page for Forum for Correspondence and Contact.

Letter dated May 12, 1988, written by John Burton to George Christie and Arnold Roze regarding publishing advice for the Forum for Correspondence and Contact. Includes part of an issue.

Document dated March 1988, written by John Burton regarding human needs theory.

Document dated June 1985, written by John Burton regarding the simplification of the tax code and redistribution of income tax burden.

Document dated September 1983, written by John Burton and present at National Conference on Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution regarding conflicts created by great powers for smaller states without resolving conflicts.
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