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Using This Site

The John W. Burton Papers is scholarly portal built using the Omeka content management system. The site permits a user to access digital surrogates of papers and photographs in the John W. Burton Papers, George Mason University Photographs Collection, and the Betty Nathan John W. Burton Photograph Collection. The site also provides descriptive and contextual information about Dr. Burton and his career.

Navigation of this site is afforded by tabs on the top of each page. These navigation headings provide access to the many features of this site. They are as follows:

About this Site - directs the user to information detailing how the site was built, how it is used, and individuals responsible for its creation.

John W. Burton: A Biographical Sketch – a brief biographical passage about Dr. Burton and his career.

Browse Items - displays a list of individual items contained in this site. Clicking on any item in the list will take the user to a page containing descriptive metadata about the item and a thumbnail linked to an image of that item.

Browse Exhibits - following this link will take a user to multi-item digital exhibitions of the materials.

Browse Collections - gives information on the three source collections from which the items that make up this site come.

Map Displaying Geographic Location of Select Items - points users to a Google Maps interactive map with pins representing select items and their locations.

Each item page displays descriptive metadata created by staff from the George Mason University Libraries, along with a square thumbnail image which links to a larger full view of the original item. "Previous Item" and "Next Item" arrows at the bottom of each page allow a user to view the previous or next item in the list. 

The site can be searched by keyword by entering a search term in the search box at the top right of each page.