The John W. Burton Papers #C0006


The John W. Burton Papers #C0006


John W. Burton; 1915-2010


This collection contains the working papers of John W. Burton, former professor of conflict resolution at George Mason University. The collection documents Burton's work in international relations and conflict resolution from the 1940s through the 1990s. Materials in the collection include correspondence, working papers, notes, news clippings, scholarly publications, workshop and conference material, images, and memorabilia. It also includes materials pertaining to the creation of the George Mason University School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (S-CAR).

Series 1, Correspondence, contains various types of correspondence including; letters between Burton and his colleagues from the 1970s and 1980s; communication on his book "Deviance, Terrorism, and War"; coordination with many organizations such as Asia Foundation, Dana McLean Greeley Foundation, Elder Council of India, Jordan Center for Studies and Information, Moldovan Initiative Committee of Management, Organization of American States, United Nations University, University Press of America, and William Flora Hewlett Foundation; as well as correspondence related to George Mason University's School of Conflict Analysis and Resolution and his work regarding Bosnia, Central America, Fiji, Iran, Korea, and the Soviet Union.

Series 2, Conflict Resolution Work, contains relevant documents related to Burton's work as a practitioner in the field of conflict resolution. Includes notes from meetings, observations, frameworks he developed, documents on defining the field, written work related to the broad field of conflict resolution, material on conflict resolution practices, papers regarding his conflict resolution work in certain regions, other work related to the field, information pertaining to the creation of S-CAR, and documents from the University College London's Centre for the Analysis of Conflict. Series 3, Academic Papers, contains relevant journal articles and lengthy papers from Burton's work in academia, most of the works are on his conflict resolution theories, including papers on his human needs theory, documents on the theory of conflict resolution and expanding the debate on generic theory, material on testing Galtung's theory and the central role of theory, journal articles, and other relevant documents.

Series 4, Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, Discussions, Meetings, Forums, Symposiums, Conventions, contains all relevant documents concerning conferences, workshops, seminars, discussions, meetings, forums, symposiums, conventions, and other mass gatherings. Includes papers presented at mass gatherings, invitation letters to conferences, agendas, concept documents, speeches, workshop materials, conference presentations, correspondences related to the organization of a big gathering, and documents from receptions.

Series 5, Subject Files, Among the documents featured in the series are papers covering topics such as economic policy and taxation, moral and value foundations of multilateralism, disarmament and arms control, juvenile unemployment and delinquency, multi-ethnic societies, national security and regional settlement, neutrality and nonalignment, regionalism, functionalism, restructuring as a political process, world order, and community law; as well as other written documents that cover other topics related to international relations and conflict resolution. Also included are journals, teaching materials, brochures, and miscellaneous articles and notes on a broad range of topics.

Series 6, News Clippings, Articles, and Images, contains news clippings, articles, and images collected and assembled by Burton.

Series 7, Memorabilia, contains Burton's Doctoral Degree from Macquarie University.



Collection Items

John Burton to Editor (The Times), June 24, 1971
Letter dated June 24, 1971, written by John Burton to the Editor of the The Times regarding China's admission into the United Nations.

John Burton to R. Jenkins, October 6, 1971
Letter dated October 6, 1971, written by John Burton to Member of Parliament R. Jenkins regarding the European Common Market.

Rolls-Royce--DATA discussions
Memo dated January 11, 1971, written by John Burton on behalf of the Centre for the Analysis of Conflict to Rolls Royce and DATA regarding the need for a third party in labor disputes.

Notes on a visit to Rolls-Royce
Notes from a meeting between John Burton, his associates, and upper management at Rolls-Royce, detailing their difficulties successfully resolving labor disputes with their workers.

John Burton and J. Groom to All Members of the Politics Board, October 10, 1978
Letter dated October 10, 1978, written by John Burton and J. Groom to "all members of the politics board" explaining the history and purpose of the Centre for the Analysis of Conflict.

Draft of letter inviting participants to attend The Canterbury Seminar, undated
Draft of letter, with hand-written notes, inviting participants to attend the first Canterbury Seminar on détente.

Workshop on the Role of the Academic in International Conflict Resolution, Harvard University, April 9-11 1979
Proceedings of the Workshop on the Role of the Academic in International Conflict Resolution, held at Harvard University from April 9 through April 11, 1979. Participants included Michael Banks (London School of Economics), John Burton (University of…

Centre for the Analysis of Conflict
Document describing the history of the Centre for Analysis of Conflict, including sources of funding, focuses of study, and publications associated with work done at the Centre.

Review of Deviance terrorism & war by John Burton
Review of John Burton's book Deviance terrorism & war: the process of solving unsolved social and political problems. Review includes extensive hand-written corrections and notes, and a number of dates.

A.J.R. Groom to unknown recipient, undated
Letter written by A.J.R. Groom to request funding to visit Cyprus with the goal of organizing mediation between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.
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