Browse Items (12 total)

Letter dated October 1, 1985, written by John Burton to Choe U Gyun regarding a discussion about Korea and his new position at George Mason University.

Document dated July 8, 1985 regarding reopened negotiations for Korean reunification.


Document dated 1997, written by John Burton regarding the history of conflict resolution.

Email dated October 16, 2000, written by Eric Croddy to Betty Nathan inquiring about interviewing John Burton regarding his allegations about chemical warfare during the Korean War.

Letter dated March 14, 1996, written by John Burton to Stephen Endicott, regarding disputed events in Burton's political history.

Letter dated February 7, 1984, written by Sang-Woo Rhee to John Burton, regarding Burton's work on the Korean reunification problem.

Conference proceedings from the International Symposium on the Reunification of Korea and Peace in Asia, July 6-8, 1985, held at the Yokohama International Conference Center.

Assorted notes, dated July 7, relating to conference sessions held on pan-Asian conflict, including comments from John Burton and others.

Letter dated July 26, 1985, written by John Burton to Han-Ho Song inviting Song to send representatives from South Korea to a Korean reunification mediation conference.

Letter dated July 26, 1985, written by John Burton to Choe U Gyun, directing Gyun to refer to the attached letter from Han-Ho Song to Burton, dated August 30, 1985. Both letters refer to the Korean reunification problem.
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