Browse Items (15 total)

Document dated March 1984, written by John Burton regarding conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union and its prevention.

Document dated 1964, written by John Burton regarding strategic theories of international relations.

Document dated 1968, written by John Burton regarding international relations between super power and smaller nations.

Document dated October 1967, written by John Burton regarding the influence of modern defense systems on how political conditions are forecasted and planned for.

Document dated April 1985, written by John Burton for the consideration of Richard Perle regarding second-track diplomacy between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Document written by John Burton to Mike Steketee regarding a draft of Burton's paper "Colonialism, the Cold War and the Future."

Document dated June 1981, written by John Burton regarding deterence strategies and conflict management.

Essay by J. W. Burton, dated May 1981, on the role that independent states might play in resolving the thermo-nuclear problem.

A paper presented by John Burton for a Seminar at the Jordan Center for Studies and Information, September 1982, regarding how the rivalry between America and Russia affects conflict among Middle Eastern states.

Email dated October 16, 2000, written by Eric Croddy to Betty Nathan inquiring about interviewing John Burton regarding his allegations about chemical warfare during the Korean War.
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