Browse Items (52 total)

Document dated April 1983, written by John Burton and other members of the Centre for the Analysis of Conflict at the University of Kent at Canterbury regarding the continuing seminar, the International Facilitating Service, and the role of…

Document dated August 1983, written by John Burton regarding the examination of the South African conflict from a wider perspective.

Letter dated July 16, 1979 regarding the Center for the Analysis of Conflict's exploration of conflict management and outlining a scheduled seminar discussion. Includes a list of invitees.

Document dated October 3, 1980, regarding a proposal for the first Canterbury Seminar on détente meant to be a planning seminar to serve as a basis for initial discussion.

Opening comments dated July 9, 1979, written by John Burton regarding a conflict resolution session at the University of Kent at Canterbury Centre for the Analysis of Conflict.

Document dated 1981, written by John Burton regarding bulleted points about population growth, foreign policy, and public policy.

Document dated May 1981, written by John Burton regarding Burton's experience with CAC with regards to international relations.

Document dated October 2, 1982, to Roy Madron and and Jeff Mason regarding the establishment of a network of conflict analysis associates.

Document dated February 3, 1982, written by John Burton regarding a peace formula for a rail strike.

Document dated June 1980, written by John Burton regarding the need for an alternative to peace by collective security and deterrents.
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