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Document dated May 18, 1965, written by John Burton regarding organizing forces in world society, power conflict, and resolution of conflict.

Document written by John Burton regarding the failure of power politics, nonalignment between countries, and stability between nuclear nations.

Document dated December 7, 1983, written by John Burton regarding the role of small and medium states in a world where politics are dominated by the Soviet Union and United States.

Document dated May 1987, written by John Burton regarding the philosophy and practice of power politics.

Document dated May 25, 1965, written by John Burton regarding the system of power balances and the system of collective security that results from conflict as a means of change.

Document dated November 1983, written by John Burton regarding the role of smaller states in relations between great powers.

Document dated September 1983, written by John Burton and present at National Conference on Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution regarding conflicts created by great powers for smaller states without resolving conflicts.

Document outlining a model for problem solving between powerful states and weak states.

Display table of book From Power Politics to Conflict Resolution: The Work of John W. Burton for the promotional tour

John W. Burton chats with a man at book tour appearance for From Power Politics to Conflict Resolution: The Work of John W. Burton.
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