Browse Items (399 total)

Sixth Middle East Report, written by John Burton to multiple recipients, containing his observations from travels in the Middle East.

Report of a conference on the functional resolution of conflict by means of problem solving organized by John Burton at the University of Kent on September 21, [1979].

Report detailing the particular barriers to conflict resolution posed by "ethnic" conflicts.

Annual report written by John Burton of the Centre for the Analysis of Conflict's first year in existence.

Speech given by John Burton at University College London on Thursday, November 3, 1966 about the Centre for the Analysis of Conflict.

Report to College Committee and Rowntree Committee written by John Burton about the work of the Centre for the Analysis of Conflict and providing a budget for continued work.

Speech given by John Burton at University College London on Thursday, November 3, 1966 about the Centre for the Analysis of Conflict.

Document written by John Burton attempting to describe what features of international organizations make them both useful and durable.

Paper written by John Burton submitted to the Rhodesian Constitutional Commission, April 1967, discussing possible solutions to the Rhodesian constitutional problem and possible barriers to those solutions.

Confidential working paper written by John Burton, November 1967, applying conflict resolution theory to the conflict in Cyprus.
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