Browse Items (52 total)

Letter dated October 10, 1978, written by John Burton and J. Groom to "all members of the politics board" explaining the history and purpose of the Centre for the Analysis of Conflict.

Draft of letter, with hand-written notes, inviting participants to attend the first Canterbury Seminar on détente.

Document describing the history of the Centre for Analysis of Conflict, including sources of funding, focuses of study, and publications associated with work done at the Centre.

Review of John Burton's book Deviance terrorism & war: the process of solving unsolved social and political problems. Review includes extensive hand-written corrections and notes, and a number of dates.

Letter written by A.J.R. Groom to request funding to visit Cyprus with the goal of organizing mediation between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.

Letter dated April 14, 1989 written by Michael Banks to John Groom regarding perceived issues with the Centre for the Analysis of Conflict.

Proposal document describing the intended goals and methods of the Canterbury Seminar.

Letter dated June 14, 1989, written by Jill Townsend to John Burton, regarding Townsend's thoughts about the future of the Centre for the Analysis of Conflict, from her perspective as a non-academic.

Letter dated February 10, 1987 written by an unknown author to David J. Dunn, regarding Dunn's earlier letter (included) proposing a book examining the legacy of John Burton's "Peace Theory" for its thirtieth anniversary in 1992.

Letter written by Mark Hoffman to the Centre for the Analysis of Conflict regarding the future of the CAC.
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