Browse Items (52 total)

Sixth Middle East Report, written by John Burton to multiple recipients, containing his observations from travels in the Middle East.

Letter written by A.J.R. Groom to request funding to visit Cyprus with the goal of organizing mediation between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.

Document describing the history of the Centre for Analysis of Conflict, including sources of funding, focuses of study, and publications associated with work done at the Centre.

Report detailing the particular barriers to conflict resolution posed by "ethnic" conflicts.

Report dated December 1968 detailing the ongoing work of the Centre for the Analysis of Conflict and its scholars.

Document dated August 1983, written by John Burton regarding the examination of the South African conflict from a wider perspective.

Correspondence dated September 20, 1978, between John Burton and Vladimir Gantman regarding an upcoming British-Soviet seminar to be help in Moscow.

Confidential working paper written by John Burton, November 1967, applying conflict resolution theory to the conflict in Cyprus.

Report dated February 1980, written by John Burton regarding the repression of dissidents in the Soviet Union.

Draft of letter, with hand-written notes, inviting participants to attend the first Canterbury Seminar on détente.
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