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Display table of book From Power Politics to Conflict Resolution: The Work of John W. Burton for the promotional tour

Document dated May 18, 1965, written by John Burton regarding organizing forces in world society, power conflict, and resolution of conflict.

Document written by John Burton regarding the failure of power politics, nonalignment between countries, and stability between nuclear nations.

Incomplete letter dated July 15, 1987, regarding the Second Conference of Middle Powers held at the Center for Conflict Resolution.

Document dated May 25, 1965, written by John Burton regarding the system of power balances and the system of collective security that results from conflict as a means of change.

Undated table of contents outlining chapters about needs theory, and war avoidance policies, and the role of middle powers.

Document dated August 29, 1995, written by John Burton regarding the inevitability of conflict in human relationships over resource allocation, rights, roles, and rewards and how to go about resolving those conflicts.

Article dated April to June 1983, written by John Burton regarding conflict resolution between the East and West.

Document regarding power politics, power bargaining settlements, and problem solving in conflict resolution.

Document outlining a model for problem solving between powerful states and weak states.
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