Browse Items (399 total)

Document dated June 1994, written by John Burton regarding the ways in which the Australian Intelligence Service might change their protocals for the better.


Document dated May 8, 1990, written by John Burton and presented at the University of Port Elizabeth regarding governmental systems that emphasize the satisfaction of human needs rather than the recreation of a system under another power elite.

Document dated December 1994, written by John Burton regarding "labor" parties and their intent to represent a human dimension to policy making.

Document dated April 1973, written by John Burton and presented at the Prison and Borstal Assistant Governor's Conference regarding conflicts within the prison system.

Document dated June 1991, written by John Burton presented at the University of Hawaii regarding socio-political problems in nations in which there is more than one culture.

Transcript of a speech dated April 17, 1975, given by John Burton to Long Island University regarding the connection between foreign and domestic conflict.

Document dated January 1988, written by John Burton for a seminar hosted by the George Mason University Center for Conflict Analysis and Resolution regarding the privitization of dispute regulation.

Document dated May 1986, written by John Burton regarding the extent and consequences of political leadership disregarding human needs and aspirations in favor of system preservation.

Document dated April 1983, written by John Burton and Roger A. Coate regarding global relations research and global social processes focusing on the attainment of human needs and the satisfaction of values.

Transcript of an address given by John Burton to BASW London Branch on September 25, 1974 regarding the role of social workers and the conflict betweel institutional and human values.
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