Browse Items (399 total)

Letter dated May 24, 1990, written by John Burton to Judge Pierre Olivier regarding a working paper by Olivier and its relation to democracy in South Africa.

Document written by John Burton regarding the problem, goals, and approach to dealing with negotiations in South African politics.

Document dated April 1985, written by John Burton for the consideration of Richard Perle regarding second-track diplomacy between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Document dated 1966, written by John Burton regarding propsitions characterizing traditional thinking about conflict, why those may not be accurate, and new ways to approach conflict resolution.

Document dated June 1983, written by John Burton regarding authoritarian personalities in the conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Document dated November 1983, written by John Burton regarding the role of smaller states in relations between great powers.

Document dated September 1983, written by John Burton and present at National Conference on Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution regarding conflicts created by great powers for smaller states without resolving conflicts.

Document dated June 1985, written by John Burton regarding the simplification of the tax code and redistribution of income tax burden.

Newsletter featuring a story on John W. Burton and colleagues at the University of Maryland.

Document dated 1963, written by John Burton regarding the progression from art to science in foreign policy decision making.


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