Browse Items (366 total)

Document dated September 1964, written by John Burton regarding the interdisciplinary approach to peace research and its effect on international relations.

Sixth Middle East Report, written by John Burton to multiple recipients, containing his observations from travels in the Middle East.

Document outlining John Burton's series of conflict resolution-centered papers, referred to as the "conflict series."

Paper written by John Burton, January 1966, applying theoretical ideas of conflict management to the case of the conflict between Indonesia and its neighbors.

Document dated May 18, 1965, written by John Burton regarding organizing forces in world society, power conflict, and resolution of conflict.

Transcript of an address given by John Burton March 30, 1995 to the Local Government Environmental Resource Network regarding a frame for discussing dispute management, conflict resolution, negotiation, mediation, networking, cementing linkages, and…

Document dated December 1994, written by John Burton regarding "labor" parties and their intent to represent a human dimension to policy making.

Document dated May 7, 1990, written by John Burton regarding the South African conflict and the need to frame the situation within a wider context of human evolution and history.

Document addressing the role of President Nasser of Egypt and other parties on the Arab-Israeli conflict.
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