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Document written by John Burton to Mike Steketee regarding a draft of Burton's paper "Colonialism, the Cold War and the Future."

Undated document regarding problem solving related to conflict resolution.

Letter dated April 20, 2001, written by John Burton to David regarding an article by David [Singer] about global perceptions about the United States.

Document dated June 1988, written by John Burton regarding conflict resolution between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Document written by John Burton regarding a proposal for conflict resolution between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Document dated November 1987, written by John Burton and Richard Rubenstein regarding the law and order problem in mordern societies.

Document dated June 1981, written by John Burton regarding deterence strategies and conflict management.

Document dated October 3, 1980, regarding a proposal for the first Canterbury Seminar on détente meant to be a planning seminar to serve as a basis for initial discussion.

A paper presented by John Burton for a Seminar at the Jordan Center for Studies and Information, September 1982, regarding how the rivalry between America and Russia affects conflict among Middle Eastern states.

Fax dated September 30th, 1995 written by John Burton to Kevin Clements about expanding the training of the FBI in conflict resolution principles to the Chiefs of Staff.
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