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Email dated October 16, 2000, written by Eric Croddy to Betty Nathan inquiring about interviewing John Burton regarding his allegations about chemical warfare during the Korean War.

Members of the staff of the Institute for Conflic Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University pose for a photograph at a conference table. Pictured from left to right are: Joseph Scimecca, Richard Rubenstein, John Burton, John Murray, Dennis…

Letter written by A.J.R. Groom to request funding to visit Cyprus with the goal of organizing mediation between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.

Letter written by Mark Hoffman to the Centre for the Analysis of Conflict regarding the future of the CAC.

International Studies Newsletter, with coverage including the plenary address by Dr. George Abatov titled "On Soviet-American Relations" from the 28th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association.


Report of a conference on the functional resolution of conflict by means of problem solving organized by John Burton at the University of Kent on September 21, [1979].

Letter dated September 24, 1982, written by Negussay Ayele to John Burton, regarding Burton's solicitation of help from Ayele in regards to Burton's proposal for a "facilitation in the resolution of settlement of disputes."

Undated document written by Greg Pemberton regarding his biography of John Burton.

Fax dated November 28, 1995, written by Rich Rubenstein to John Burton and Betty Nathan, discussing the Dayton Peace Accord, a proposal to the Carnegie Foundation to provide funding for the training of news organizations in conflict analysis and…

Letter dated December 27, 1995, written by Richard Rubenstein and Frank Blechman to John Burton regarding Burton's contribution for a book about conflict resolution.
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