Browse Items (17 total)

Letter written by A.J.R. Groom to request funding to visit Cyprus with the goal of organizing mediation between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.

Proposal outlining a two-year pilot project for a Community Conciliation and Mediation Services (CCAMS) serving the North London area.


Document written by John Burton proposing the creation of a new International Facilitating Service as a result of poor results from existing international mediation services. This document includes an introduction to basic concepts of mediation and…

Letter dated April 27, 1983 written by John Burton to Crown Prince Hassan of Jordan, offering advice on various mediation issues with which Hassam is dealing.

Letter dated July 19, 1982 written by John Burton to Nasser Mirza, regarding Burton's plans for creating a permanent international mediation service.

Letter dated July 26, 1985, written by John Burton to Han-Ho Song inviting Song to send representatives from South Korea to a Korean reunification mediation conference.

Document dated 1985, written by John Burton regarding dispute mediation and the role of winning in conflict management.

Document dated 1994, written by John Burton regarding the future of conflict resolution.

Document written by John Burton regarding conflict resolution.

Document written by John Burton regarding problem solving and third parties in conflict resolution.
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