Browse Items (18 total)

Letter written by John Burton to the Editor of the Canberra Times, regarding Burton's view that the Australian government should be more transparent in its diplomacy.

Letter dated April 18, 1995, written by John Burton to Mr. Keeting, regarding Burton's view that the Green Party and Democrats should work together to achieve political goals.

Letter dated November 4, 1985, written by John Burton to the Editor of the Canberra Times, regarding a review of a story on the Australian Security Intelligence Organization.

Letter from John W. Burton dated 20 May 1991 to Senator Gareth Evan of the Australian Foreign Ministry regarding Apartheid in South Africa.

Letter dated December 18, 1995, written by John Burton to the Editor of the Canberra Times regarding Indonesia and Australian Security.

Document dated September 2, 1998, written by John Burton regarding the commemoration and assessment of the United Nations Association of Australia.


Document dated December 1994, written by John Burton regarding "labor" parties and their intent to represent a human dimension to policy making.

Document dated June 1994, written by John Burton regarding the ways in which the Australian Intelligence Service might change their protocals for the better.


Document dated April 22, 1981, written by John Burton regarding the pros and cons of being a neutral state such as Switzerland.

Undated document written by Greg Pemberton regarding his biography of John Burton.
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