Browse Items (399 total)

Undated and unsigned document regarding human rights talks with China.


Report outlining the George Mason University Center for Conflict Resolution's mission.

This paper outlines the nature of conflict resolution in 22 paragraphs, stresses the crucial role of the third party, and lists the subjects that are covered when training facilitators in conflict resolution practices at the Center for Conflict…

Statement, probably by John W. Burton, explaining why the Geneva conference on Rhodesia - Zimbabwe discussions was a failure and proposing a set of procedures to be followed that would lead to outcomes that would satisfy both parties.

Essay, likely by J. W. Burton, on the shortcomings of traditional methods of teaching Political Science. Instead, an approach is suggested that sifts out what is irrelevant and false and builds on the perceptions and experience of students and makes…

Proposal for a book titled 'International organization : a conceptual approach', containing hitherto unpublished essays on the topic and to be used for teaching international organizations at the university level.

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Confidential report containing an analysis of a conflict conference between representatives of the governments of Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore who met in December 1965 to discuss the relations between these states. It details the adopted…

Report detailing the particular barriers to conflict resolution posed by "ethnic" conflicts.

Document describing the various parties involved in the Somali-Ethiopia conflict and their roles.

Document addressing the role of President Nasser of Egypt and other parties on the Arab-Israeli conflict.
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