Browse Items (9 total)

Five Middle East Reports, dated throughout August 1967, written by John Burton to various recipients, containing his observations from travels in the Middle East.

Sixth Middle East Report, written by John Burton to multiple recipients, containing his observations from travels in the Middle East.

Annual report written by John Burton of the Centre for the Analysis of Conflict's first year in existence.

Report to College Committee and Rowntree Committee written by John Burton about the work of the Centre for the Analysis of Conflict and providing a budget for continued work.

Document dated February 26, 1980, written by John Burton and M. Light regarding a visit to Moscow to discuss Soviet intervention into Afghanistan.

Report dated December 1968 detailing the ongoing work of the Centre for the Analysis of Conflict and its scholars.

Report dated December 1968 detailing the ongoing work of the Centre for the Analysis of Conflict and its scholars.

Report detailing the particular barriers to conflict resolution posed by "ethnic" conflicts.

Confidential report containing an analysis of a conflict conference between representatives of the governments of Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore who met in December 1965 to discuss the relations between these states. It details the adopted…
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