Browse Items (7 total)

Confidential report containing an analysis of a conflict conference between representatives of the governments of Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore who met in December 1965 to discuss the relations between these states. It details the adoptedā€¦

Document dated May 25, 1965, written by John Burton regarding the system of power balances and the system of collective security that results from conflict as a means of change.

Document describing the various parties involved in the Somali-Ethiopia conflict and their roles.

Letter dated September 28, 1982, written by John Burton to Crown Prince Hassan of Jordan proposing a seminar addressing the need for Afro-Arab states to create an institutionalized means of conflict resolution among themselves, thus reducing relianceā€¦

Document regarding the role of middle powers in conflict resolution.

Document dated April 22, 1981, written by John Burton regarding the pros and cons of being a neutral state such as Switzerland.

Essay by J. W. Burton, dated May 1981, on the role that independent states might play in resolving the thermo-nuclear problem.
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