Browse Items (399 total)

Paper written by John Burton, January 1966, applying theoretical ideas of conflict management to the case of the conflict between Indonesia and its neighbors.

Confidential report containing an analysis of a conflict conference between representatives of the governments of Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore who met in December 1965 to discuss the relations between these states. It details the adopted…

Report dated December 1968 detailing the ongoing work of the Centre for the Analysis of Conflict and its scholars.

Report dated December 1968 detailing the ongoing work of the Centre for the Analysis of Conflict and its scholars.

Proposal for a book titled 'International organization : a conceptual approach', containing hitherto unpublished essays on the topic and to be used for teaching international organizations at the university level.

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Lunchtime lecture given under the auspices of the Industrial Educational and Research Foundation on the nature of conflict and the need to learn conflict management skills.

Article published in International Studies Quarterly outlining step by step the procedures required in the resolution of a communal or interstate conflict and providing the theoretical reasons for each. The same techniques are recommended when…

Statement describing the changing relationship between the Moscow Institute and the Centre for the Analysis of Conflict between 1974 and 1978.

Statement by J. W. Burton, dated February 1980, on Dr. Sakharov as a dissident, and two distinct issues regarding dissidence - firstly, the content of the criticism and, secondly, the treatment of those who criticize and are labeled dissidents.

Essay by J. W. Burton, dated May 1981, on the role that independent states might play in resolving the thermo-nuclear problem.
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